“Why don’t you guys start a club ball team?” That was the question our little league parents asked us in 2015 after another successful coach pitch season. It didn’t take too much persuasion, but they were able to convince us that it would be a good idea for our boys to venture into the deep waters of the club baseball world. As coaches, we had no idea what we were really getting ourselves into. Slowly, we began the logistical process of forming a club, choosing a logo to modify to our preferences, ordering uniforms and all the related gear, all in an effort to set out on our journey. Our original group of Knights ranged from ages 7-9, and they certainly took their lumps on the field in that inaugural season, but their spirits were never broken. They were a tremendous group of kids. We have been fortunate enough to have great kids and families with every team at every age group that we have had. That initial season was a wild learning experience, and it was also special in so many ways. That experience certainly paved the way for what the LV Knights stand for, where we have been, and what is yet to come…...

Since our inception, the LV Knights have grown quickly. We have formed a full non-profit and now operate under IRS code as a 501C3 charitable organization. We have fielded teams in several age brackets over the years, and we have fund raised in order to be able to take multiple youth teams to the Cooperstown experience. We have always prided ourselves on being a tight knit group and can proudly say we are one of the few club organizations around that has been able to keep our core groups together for multiple seasons. The LV Knights have never been the biggest youth team on the field at any given time over the years, but our teams have always had a tremendous amount of heart, grit, and determination. We have always been extremely proud of the effort and competitiveness of our players,, but more importantly, we feel that the life lessons that they have all learned along the way will serve them greatly as they continue to grow into amazing young men and positive contributors to our local community.

Presently, the LV Knights work with players ages 12-18. Coach Trzpis is now also a CCSD volunteer coach at Southeast Tech High School and the LV Knights have become the umbrella under which most of the SE Tech players will play their club, fall, and summer baseball. The LV Knights organize and operate all club fall/summer ball and we will continue to represent these players as they navigate their high school careers. Our rosters are now full of student athletes from Southeast Tech, with more of our current Knights players making plans to apply to the school for hopeful admission in the near future. In an effort to honor our players from Southeast Tech, the LV Knights decided to make the color scheme change you see here. This has allowed us to streamline our club, summer, and fall programs moving forward. We are honored to help these student athletes with all of their endeavors and to assist them with achieving their goals, both on and off the field. It’s a bold challenge, but one that we are extremely excited for!